General Information
- Do I need a Park ticket to dine at a restaurant or experience a show restaurant?
- I wish to know the period when bookings are accepted for a dining time at restaurants.
- I purchased a Vacation Package on the Tokyo Disney Resort Online Reservations & Tickets website. I wish to know about online reservation privileges such as restaurant bookings.
- Can I book Priority Seating (for dining with a minimal wait) on the day of my visit? Can I book directly at a restaurant?
- How many restaurant bookings can I make per day of the visit?
- Do I pay in advance to dine at a restaurant?
- Would I be able to dine at a restaurant without booking Priority Seating?
- What is Priority Seating?
- What should I do if I wish to make a restaurant booking for nine or more Guests online?
- [Restaurants] What is the maximum number of persons I can make a booking for?