I have not received an email with a one-time code (6-digit code) for MyDisney Account.
You may not have received the email with a one-time code (6-digit code) for MyDisney Account in the following reasons:
-If a wrong email address has been mistakenly registered with your MyDisney Account
Please make sure to enter your email address correctly when registering with MyDisney Account. Please be sure to use only half-width alphanumeric characters in your email address.
DO NOT use full-width alphanumeric characters.
-If anti-spam measures are set up
If you are using anti-spam measures such as domain-specific reception, please reconfirm your email address settings so that you can receive emails from "".
If the email address you have registered is Gmail, it may be stored in the spam folder even if you have not set up an anti-spam measure by yourself. Please check the spam folder.
MyDisney Account is an account required to use various Disney online services (Registration is free of charge). Please see here for the Frequently Asked Questions (You will be redirected to Disney's website).
-If a wrong email address has been mistakenly registered with your MyDisney Account
Please make sure to enter your email address correctly when registering with MyDisney Account. Please be sure to use only half-width alphanumeric characters in your email address.
DO NOT use full-width alphanumeric characters.
-If anti-spam measures are set up
If you are using anti-spam measures such as domain-specific reception, please reconfirm your email address settings so that you can receive emails from "".
If the email address you have registered is Gmail, it may be stored in the spam folder even if you have not set up an anti-spam measure by yourself. Please check the spam folder.
MyDisney Account is an account required to use various Disney online services (Registration is free of charge). Please see here for the Frequently Asked Questions (You will be redirected to Disney's website).