
Can I add more nights to my hotel booking?

I wish to change the start date of myhotel stay with no change in the total number of nights.
Please see "I wish to change thestart date of my hotel stay.

I wish to keep the existing booking andstay the night before that date.
Bookings cannot be changed. (Start dates ofstay cannot be changed.)
Please complete either of the followings:
・Keep the existing booking and make a newbooking only for the day you wish to add.
・Make a new booking for the date you wishto stay, and then cancel the unnecessary reservation through My Booking.

-Rates may vary depending on the time ofreservation.
-A fixed cancellation fee will be appliedat the time of cancellation procedures. For cancellation fees, please see here.

I wish to keep the existing booking andextend the stay (stay an extra night).
If there are rooms available on the dateyou wish to stay, bookings can be changed (add an extra night).
Please change your booking through MyBooking.

- If the room type or the bed type (the numberof beds) is different, you will be required to move to a different room duringyour stay.
-Changes can be made online until 8:59 p.m.(JST) the day before your check-in.
- After 9:00 p.m. (JST) on the day beforeyour stay, please contact your hotel directly.

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