【Tokyo DisneySea Fantasy Springs Hotel】How can I dine at the Fantasy Springs Restaurant?
It differs depending on the time of day.
The restaurant will be available exclusively for guests staying at Tokyo DisneySea Fantasy Springs Hotel until further notice.
The restaurant will be available exclusively for guests staying at Tokyo DisneySea Fantasy Springs Hotel, and to guests who booked a Tokyo Disney Resort Vacation Packages plan and selected to dine at the Fantasy Springs Restaurant, until further notice.
- Depending on the situation of the day, the restaurant may be available to any guest visiting Tokyo DisneySea Park. To dine at Fantasy Springs Restaurant, please go there directly using the restaurant’s entrance from within the Park [Fantasy Springs].
Please note that guests who booked through Tokyo Disney Resort Vacation Packages will not be admitted to areas within the hotel other than Fantasy Springs Restaurant.
Please apply for Priority Seating after your hotel reservation has been confirmed.
The restaurant will be available exclusively for guests staying at Tokyo DisneySea Fantasy Springs Hotel until further notice.
The restaurant will be available exclusively for guests staying at Tokyo DisneySea Fantasy Springs Hotel, and to guests who booked a Tokyo Disney Resort Vacation Packages plan and selected to dine at the Fantasy Springs Restaurant, until further notice.
- Depending on the situation of the day, the restaurant may be available to any guest visiting Tokyo DisneySea Park. To dine at Fantasy Springs Restaurant, please go there directly using the restaurant’s entrance from within the Park [Fantasy Springs].
Please note that guests who booked through Tokyo Disney Resort Vacation Packages will not be admitted to areas within the hotel other than Fantasy Springs Restaurant.
Please apply for Priority Seating after your hotel reservation has been confirmed.