
Why am I unable to receive an email regarding my Park ticket?

In the following cases, you may not receive the email:

-If a wrong email address has been mistakenly registered with your MyDisney Account 
Please make sure to enter your email address correctly when registering with your MyDisney Account.
Please be sure to use only half-width alphanumeric characters in your email address.
DO NOT use full-width alphanumeric characters.
You can check your current email address by logging in to the Tokyo Disney Resort Official Website  and clicking on "Check/Change Registered Information" from the “Menu” in the web page.

-If anti-spam measures are set up
If you are using anti-spam measures such as domain- specific reception, or even if you do not take any anti-spam measures by yourself, the default settings against spam mails may have an effect on receiving messages.  Please reconfirm the settings of your email address so that you can receive emails from the following addresses.
 Park tickets purchases/changes, Reservations for Park admission:
 Issuance of a receipt for Park tickets purchases/changes:
 Passcode required for Park tickets purchases:

-If the email application recognizes it as a spam mail
Please check your spam mail folder, as there are cases where it is recognized as a spam mail and sorted into the folder.

-If you are using a free email service (Gmail, Yahoo Mail, iCloud, etc.)
You may not be able to receive the message as the capacity of the incoming mail server reaches its upper limit. Please check the amount of available capacity on the server.

-If you are using a special form of address
The following characters can be used for email addresses.
・Half-width alphanumeric characters and some symbols (listed on the right): . ! # $ % & ‘ * + – / = ? ^ _ ` { | } ~

Please note that there may be cases where it is impossible to send messages to email addresses that do not conform to the specifications of the international standard for email addresses, “Request For Comments (RFC)”. If you have registered any of the following email addresses, please change it to another one.
・Addresses that use characters other than those listed above as “characters that can be used for email addresses”
・Addresses with consecutive “.” (period)
・Addresses with a “.” (period) at the beginning or just before the “@” (at mark)

-Even if you do not receive the “email with the code for your Park ticket”, you can still enter the Park with your Park ticket displayed on the Tokyo Disney Resort App. Please see here for information on how to display Park tickets on the App.

-For details on how to enter the Park when the code for the Park ticket cannot be displayed on the App or in your email, please see here “2. Without using the Tokyo Disney Resort App”.

-If you still do not receive an email when you purchase or change your Park ticket or when your receipt is reissued even after the above settings and confirmations, please contact the Tokyo Disney Resort Online Reservations/Purchasing Support Desk by phone with the information of your purchase (Reservation number, Park ticket type, date of admission, Park selection, age category and number of tickets) in person.

For reasons why you can't receive emails regarding anything other than Park tickets, please see here.

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